Aug 30, 2023
If financial institutions had a three strike rule, Wells Fargo would have been out a long time ago. The bank is back in the news this week after being fined yet again. Financial reprimands haven’t worked thus far. The question becomes, when do regulators threaten to shut down the bank? On this week’s podcast, Tom...
Aug 24, 2023
The housing crises of 2008 was in large part caused by mortgage lenders approving loans to people they knew couldn’t afford them. The lenders then turned around and sold those mortgages to investors in the form of securities. Lenders made money underwriting and money selling securities. But when borrowers defaulted,...
Aug 16, 2023
Aug 9, 2023
A basic tasty tenant is to put time on your side. Trade small, give yourself time to be right, and recognize that markets are random. Dylan Ratigan wants to understand an irony in that sentiment. Tom has taken big and seemingly risky shots. Is there a flaw in tasty's core tenants? Tom gives some nuance on this week's...
Aug 2, 2023
Not since the advent of the internet have people been so excited about a technological development as they are with artificial intelligence (AI). If you buy the hype, AI is the panacea for all our woes. War, inflation, politics, you name it, AI is being hailed as the antidote. To be fair, there are places where AI...