Sep 27, 2023
Sep 20, 2023
Scan a handful of newspaper headlines and you might thing the world is worse off than it’s ever been. Now look at a chart of the stock market over the last 9 months and you’ll have a different takeaway. On this week’s episode Tom admits to being “public” and wrong about what the market truly reflects. Also, in...
Sep 13, 2023
If you have a set of unique talents, there’s no better time to look for a job or ask for better compensation than at a time when the labor pool is nearly empty. Unemployment is well below 4% and the number of people seeking jobs is small. Should we really be surprised labor unions are threatening to strike or...
Sep 6, 2023
We’re seeing governments intervening in markets on multiple continents. In China, state employees have been banned from using foreign mobile phones. In Europe, the EU enacted new regulations with hopes of spurring competition. Are these moves out of desperation or just low hanging fruit for regulators looking to...